Friday, April 8, 2011

Aubrie's 14th Month

*She still won't stand up on her own, but she has started pushing chairs and a walker toy by herself. She seems to be on the same time line as Evan as to when she might start to walk. But I'm in no hurry! She can take as long as she needs!

*She loves our new swingset. I bought a baby swing for her, and every time I walk past the back door she is pointing at it to go outside. Evan really likes her swing, too, but is such a big boy now that he is ok to sit in the big swing while I push him.

*She jabbers all the time. There's still not a lot that we can make out, but she's started to say Mama a lot more often. In fact, just today she started calling me "Mommy" every single time. So cute! She says it when she wakes up in the morning, or when she wants me to hold her. She now says stuff like Daddy, Hi (sounds like i), bu-buy, cheese, wee (when sliding down the slide), there she is (which is not really words, but the same sounds that I make when I say that), and signs milk, more, thank you, and please. She hasn't signed "eat" in a while because she just leans over and points to the food.

*She LOVES to climb up our stairs. She'll go up a few, and then try to come back down before I turn her around and send her back up. Then once she reaches to very top, she takes off towards the bathroom as fast as she can crawl. She thinks it's a game while I grab her up. I love her infectious laugh when she giggles!

*Evan still doesn't like to share his toys with her. If she even looks like she's headed his way while he's playing, he'll run up to me and ask me to pick her up and hold her. I'm trying to explain that some of the toys are hers, and that she just wants to be next to him and play with him. But he doesn't like it when she messes up his way of doing things. I guess it's a good thing that he has a younger sister to teach him how to share; otherwise, he'd grow up having his own way and be terrible to live with as an older man!

*I sent her to school with real milk a few weeks ago to see if she would have an allergic reaction, and I thought we were safe for a while. However, she started getting a rash earlier the next day. I'm glad to definitely know what is causing her rash. It'll be hard because almost everything has milk in it, but we'll make it work. At least it's not a strong reaction. All it does is give her a rash (can be really bad depending on how much milk she's had), some mucous in her nose, and some gas pains. Her skin looks so good now that she's not having milk products.

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