Friday, April 8, 2011

Evan's 35th Month (2 yrs, 11 months)

Wow, next month Evan will turn 3 years old. A lot has happened in those 3 years, and he's gotten so big. I don't really realize just how big until I look back at pictures from just 6 months ago and see just how little he was back then. Now he's a "real" little boy!
His favorite thing to do lately is pretend. He pretends with everything! I love to listen to the conversations between his toys (see previous post for an example). He also loves to pretend that his hands are talking to us. He'll be in the middle of a sentence to us, and then all of a sudden he will put his pointer and middle fingers together on each hand and they will start talking to me. It'll go something like this; "Oh, hi Mommy!" (these are his hands talking to me). "What are you doing?" "Have you seen my son?," etc, etc, etc. He cracks me up because I never know what's going to come out of his mouth! On the way to school the other day, we saw a lizard. I asked him what he thought the lizard was doing? He said, "Probly looking for a girlfriend..." Aye-yai-yai...
He's a little better at sharing toys with his sister, but he has to be the one to initiate it. If Aubrie starts to crawl towards something that he is already playing with, he'll start to cry and ask me to pick Aubrie up. But if he decided he wants to share, he'll just walk over to her and be very sweet with her. He also loves to wrestle her. She's going to be one tough little girl, that's for sure!
He's also had a bit of trouble with nap-time and bed-time this month. I'm not sure if he's scared of something in his room, but he wants us to sleep with him each time. I don't think he's scared, though, because as soon as we leave he'll settle down. Sometimes he screams for several minutes, or tries to trick me into thinking that he's hungry, or needs to go to the potty. Don't think badly of me, but I "drugged" him with some tylenol the other day, and he went to sleep like a charm! Maybe it's growing pains or something, but I hope he grows out of it quickly!
He's still such a sweet little boy, and we love him with all of our hearts! Happy 35 month "bday," Evan!

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