Thursday, June 6, 2013

Evan Graduates from Pre-K; What???!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you belive that this baby boy has now turned 5 and graduated from Pre-School?????? Neither can I. It honestly seems like yesterday when I was changing his diapers (don't get embarrased when you read this one day, Evan) and rocking him to sleep. Now he is getting ready to go into kindergarten. Crazy.
Here he is looking like a college graduate. The day started out with us showing up to the daycare a bit early for a parking spot, and to drop Evan off to put on his cap and gown. While we were all sitting there and waiting, I honestly thought to myself, "I can do this; it's not so bad." Then one of the workers started to welcome the parents, and I started crying in the middle of the "What I Learned in Kindergarten" poem, before I'd even seen Evan. Talk about holding it together!

I was so proud of Evan, as he had to stand up in front of everyone and say, "And now let's hear some of our favorite songs." He wasn't nervous or anything, and did a great job! He looked so cute singing the songs that I'd heard off and on over the past few months.

I honestly can't wait to see what is in store for my Little Man as he starts school next year. I've already spent time looking at all of the teachers' webpages from Earhardt, and how things work, so that I can be prepared and get Evan off to a great start. I've even put dates in my phone for everything so that I won't miss any important deadlines. I don't want to be one of "those" parents who the teachers talk about, or want Evan to be one of "those" students who drive their teachers crazy. I'm so proud of him, though, and his ability to do well next year. I know he's going to be fine. I think Chris and I will have a harder time than him! It's hard letting go... that must be why God made it a little at a time... He's pretty smart.

(celebrating with ice cream from Gringos later that night)

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