Thursday, June 6, 2013

Evan's 5th Birthday Party (Mario)

With all that has been going on this year, we just got around to having Evan's 5th birthday party (3 weeks after the fact, but it's all good). We did celebrate on his actual birthday by going with Nick & Alia and their family to Chuck E Cheese.

Evan has been asking for a Nintendo DS for the longest time now, and we are not quite ready to commit to that. So, we've compromised on him being able to play the Wii in the living room, where we can all be a part of it and see what he is doing. He's now hooked on Mario Kart, and Super Mario Bros (which we bought as his birthday present, hopefully to disuade him from a DS a bit longer). What better way to celebrate him turning 5 than with a Mario party!

hanging out before the party began

It was wonderful to get together with all of our best friends and family and celebrate my amazing Little Man. Although, Evan kept making it clear to everyone that it wasn't his birthday, just his party. There was great food (if I do say so myself), great company, basketball, a "Bowser" bouncy house, and even an appearance by Mario himself. :)

I love getting to entertain in our new house, too! I mean, we've lived here for 6 months or so, and already had 4 parties! I love how everyone wants to be outside because of the shade, how the boys got to play basketball in the driveway, how everyone fits inside without stepping on top of one another, and how comfortable everyone seems to be. Everyone stayed so long at the party that we ended up ordering a pizza for dinner, too, to feed everyone! What a blessing to have such wonderful friends and family to be around.

I know it was thrown together quickly, but I hope that Evan can look back and see how much we love him and have good memories. 

1 comment:

M & M said...

so sorry we missed it. It was a long day for us and I crashed when I got home in the afternoon. Absolutely love the creativity with the food!