Monday, June 10, 2013

My Pregnancy So Far

I'm already feeling Mommy guilt for this third baby as I have hardly written a word about this pregnancy! I promise I love you, baby girl! It's just been a whirlwind of a year, and I'm just now catching up.

Chris and I started talking about having another baby in December, as we'd finally made it into our new house, we were halfway through my first year back to teaching, and the kids were settling into our new routine really well. We also decided that since our house was already unorganized from moving in, that it'd be easier to have another baby and organize everything once instead of multiple times. Well, at least we had one conversation on the topic, because we were pregnant by the end of the month! Let's just say that we were both surprised, as the other two kiddos took at least 3 months to conceive. 

I was fine up until the 5th week of pregnancy, and then the sickness began. Whoo-wee, was I sick. The two times I've been sick with food poisoning are the only two times that I can remember being any sicker. But the sickness was in the evenings, so work was not too bad at this point. I would just get so exhausted that my body would react by getting sick. I remember being so tired on several occaisions that I fell asleep in the parking lot to at least two grocery stores and our own driveway several times. I stopped going to church orchestra practice, where several times Chris would come home to either fine me in the bathroom, or in the exact same place he'd left me before leaving, asleep. Let's just say that my body wasn't used to this kind of thing anymore, and it was taking it hard this time around. After getting nausea medication from the doctor, it seemed to get better, and I haven't had any type of sickness since about 16 weeks (I'm now 26 weeks). Thank the Lord for nausea medication, is all I have to say! 

Since then, I've really enjoyed this pregnancy. The exhaustion is gone, and I've really enjoyed being able to feel our little girl move around (I've felt her from about 14 weeks). Now I'm feeling huge, although I know that's only relative as to what's coming up in the future. I'll be in the third trimester in about 2 weeks, and I'm hoping that the exhaustion doesn't come back too hard. Although, it is summer vacation now, so I can sleep all day if I need to!!!!!! 

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

photos from our gender ultrasound

 21 weeks pregnant

22 weeks pregnant

 23 weeks pregnant

24 weeks pregnant

Last day of school, 25 weeks pregnant

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