Monday, June 10, 2013

Last Day of "School" Pics

Even though the kids weren't really in "school" this year, I wanted to get a picture of them on their last day of daycare. I hardly ever get to see the kids in the morning since I have to be at school before they even have to leave, so I asked Chris to take the picture.

I think they kids were giving Chris a hard time that morning, because he was only able to get them out of the house quickly (he still had to make it to work, too) by telling them that they could stop at the Raceway gas station that was just finished near our house. Apparently the construction of the Raceway has been a cool thing for the kids to watch on the way to daycare each morning... So, that's where the picture was taken. :) 

Evan 5, Aubrie 3
Last day of daycare 2013

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