Thursday, June 13, 2013

How this pregnancy is different

So far, this pregnancy has been completely different than my other two. 

First of all, I was soooooo sick with this baby girl! I've heard that the nausea gets worse with each successive pregnancy, and maybe that's what happened to me. I was only sick 7 times total with Evan, more with Aubrie (I had about 2 weeks of sickness, with a cold on top of it), and then I was sick for 11 weeks with this one! I also think that since this was the farthest I'd gone without being pregnant or nursing, that my body just didn't seem to know how to react. 

It has definitely been harder on my body this time around, too. I feel "old" this time around. My back has been more tender this time. I bought a pregnancy belt, and that has helped a lot. I can also feel my body starting to tense up and get tired if I do too much work during the day. Picking strawberries is a great example: I had a lot of fun picking them, but I felt it the next day! It's like I need a day to recuperate if I do any kind of labor-intensive work (i.e., clean the house... hint hint). :)

Haha, another thing that is different this time around, is that my leg and underarm hair is growing like crazy! I only had to shave twice when I was pregnant with Aubrie, and I really do have to shave all the time with this one!

What else... I can't remember if I like sweet things or not with the other two, but I didn't like anything sweet for the longest time with this one. I can stomach sweet things now, since the metallic taste seems to have gone away, but I still like the salty/savory flavors.

I never got dizzy with another pregnancy, but I seem to get very dizzy every now and again this time. It hasn't happened for a while, but there were several days at work when I had to sit down because I was so dizzy! Haha, except for right now as I right this blog... I'm super dizzy!

Oh, and Elise seems to get the hiccups about 10x more than the other kids! I feel them at least a few times per day. I remember the other two getting them, but just off and on. Elise is a regular hiccuper! (Is that even a word?!).
Some things that have been the same:

This baby girl reminds me of both pregnancies in some ways, too. She reminds me of Aubrie because she is more of a "roller" than a kicker. Although, she does have some amazing kicks every now and then! When she gets going, she can really take the breath from me! She even kicked Aubrie's cheek one day when Aubrie was laying down on me; super cute!

Elise (if that's really what her name will be) reminds me of Evan's pregnancy, too, though. When I was pregnant with Evan, he would move and kick, but stop as soon as someone would try to feel him him or look at him. It was always our joke that he was going to be a toddler getting into something, but stop and look at us with this innocent look on his face when we found him. Elise is exactly like that! She will move like crazy, but stop as soon as someone looks at her or tries to feel her move. I'm ok with her personality being like Evan, though; he's pretty awesome. :)

I'm still not swollen anywhere, but I do seem to feel it in my fingers sometime this time around. I've taken my wedding bands off and put them on a necklace around my neck, just in case I start to swell up.

Also, until my appointment this morning, I had only gained 11 pounds... Then I gained like 9 pounds in 4 weeks! I'm assuming that's all baby, right????????????? So that puts me right at 20 pounds gained. I have 13 weeks left, and only gained 34 pounds with Aubrie. So I can only gain another 14 pounds in the next 13 weeks... Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen! I'll try to get out and take a walk every day, but it's sooooo hot! I kind of hate being pregnant over the summer! 

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