Monday, June 10, 2013

Evan's Broken Collar Bone

March 26, 2013

When I went to pick the kids up from daycare this day, the first thing that Evan told me was that he'd hurt his shoulder. I kind of played it off, telling hime he'd be alright, and that his body would make it feel better soon. When I tried to move his arm to put his seatbelt on, however, he screamed like I was ripping his arm out! So I took him home and we looked at his shoulder more closely.

Sure enough, he could hardly raise his arm, and he kept complaining of it hurting very badly. I called me Mom, because I was sure that it was a broken collar bone. After going through my brother breaking his collar bone 3 times, I figured my Mom was an expert and would be able to tell us what to do. As I explained what Evan was telling me to her, she agreed that it sounded like a broken collar bone. So I went to CVS and bought an arm sling and Ace bandage, and we bandaged him up really well before bedtime that night so that he couldn't move his arm. I took him to see Dr. O'Neil the next day, and she confirmed (after x-rays) that it was indeed a broken collar bone!

Apparently, a girl named Natalie (a girl that Evan has asked to pray for at bedtime before because "she doesn't listen") was throwing a ball inside and it hit Evan and knocked him down. All it took was him landing on it funny, and voila: broken collar bone.

He sure does look cute, though, right? He was so tough! Chris and I were constantly impressed by how tough he was throughout this whole thing. 

The day it happened.

Happy with his suckers after seeing Dr. O'Neil.

Showing off his "figure 8" shoulder brace.

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