Thursday, July 7, 2011

Evan at 3 years, 2 months

Our Little Man has really started turning into a big kid lately.

He has actually started telling us when he needs to go to the potty, which is a HUGE deal for him! He actually told me that he had to go while we were at the Dr.'s office the other day. While we were in there, the nurse called our names. I had to try and hurry Evan up, but he was so excited about pooping in the potty and looking around the bathroom, that it took us a few minutes to get out. But I'm not complaining! He actually turned to look at his poop, while still sitting on the toilet, and said, "Wow, that looks like a granola bar!" Boys...

He is such a funny kid! I knew I should've started writing this post a few days ago because I'd forget (which I did). He was on a roll the other day, saying one funny thing after another. While we were swimming at my Aunt's house this past weekend, I looked at Evan and said, "How do you like being in the pool?" Let me say first, that I asked him this because any of you who know him know that he's not a huge water kid. He'd been playing next to the pool all morning, but finally sat down in his cute little chair inside the pool. Evan answered, "I'm in the pool?!" He's going to be a goof, that one.

I love the way he plays with his toys and his imagination. I love that he's started asking questions about things (we're about to get into the "why" stage, I think). He comes up with such fun conversations while playing with his toys, and he likes to pretend that Aubrie is either a Baby Monster, or a ghost, and that she's chasing him. I can't wait for Brie to get really good at walking so that she can really chase him around!

He still eats really well. He still doesn't really like pasta, and sometimes I can't get him to eat more than 2 bites at dinner time, but I really think it's because he's not hungry, so I don't push it. He still loves broccoli; if I ever ask him what he wants for breakfast, he'll say broccoli...

He doesn't always want to take a nap, anymore. But we still try to have quiet time in his room. I'm so blessed to have a child who is able to play in his room and keep himself happy. On the days that he doesn't get a nap, we put him to bed early, and he's usually asleep by 8pm. Aubrie has been trying to move to one nap a day as well, so she's ready for bed by 7:30. Love it!

He is such a sweet boy. He's been in time out a few times this week, but mainly for things like yelling or having a fit. Chris sets the timer, and Evan silently sits there until it goes off. Then we talk to him about why he was in time out, then he apologizes, we give hugs and kisses, and all is right in the world again. At night, Chris will tell Evan that he's only going to read one story. Chris will say, "Do you know why, Evan?," and Evan will say, "I know Daddy. I wasn't being nice to Mommy. But I'll be good tomorrow." He just melts my heart, and I thank God for him (& Aubrie) every day. As one of the band Mom's at Chris' school said the other day, "I'd rather have kids who are hard to deal with every now and then, than no children at all." I can take all the hardships, for moments like those.

We love you, Evan!

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