Sunday, July 17, 2011

SLC Day 6

Today, we woke up and had a great breakfast together. We have so much food leftover from the rest of the week, that we ate leftovers all day long; bran muffins, granola, potatoes, veggies, yogurt, etc. Then the "grandparents" offered to watch the kids while the 4 of us went to church. We went to Joy's church, K2, which was amazing. When we came home, the kids had been playing all morning and having a blast! Then we put Aubrie & Aiden down for a nap, while Evan and Ansley kept on playing. We finally had to put Evan down for a nap at around 3:30 because he was bouncing off the walls. He ended up sleeping until 5:30 before Chris went in to wake him up! Then we ate again, took a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood with the kiddos, made root beer floats, gave the kids a bath, and had them in bed by 9:45 (yes, PM) or so. Then the grown-ups stayed up playing scrabble and eating s'mores dip (ok, Alia, Chris and I ate the dip... along with giant smarties, chester's hot fries, and cotton candy...)...

(I'll ad pictures the next time I download them).

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