Friday, July 15, 2011

SLC Day 4

Today the kids slept in a bit. Aubrie didn't wake up until 8:17, and Evan would have slept longer if Aiden and Aubrie hadn't jumped on him to wake him up! Then we all got our stuff together and headed up to Mill Creek Canyon to eat breakfast on the mountain. Evan has been wanting to go on and "inside" a "green" mountain ever since we got here. So, he was pretty excited on the trip over there! It was freezing when we got up there, so we had all of the kids wrapped up in towels to help keep them warm. But it was so wonderful eating bagels from Einstein Bros and drinking hot coffee on the mountain! Then we all took of and went walking around to see the beautiful scenery. The kids loved looking at the waterfalls coming down out of the mountain. On our way out, we drove up to the top of the mountain, and it was just gorgeous.

When we came back, Aubrie went down for a nap (easily, I might add, yeah!), and we started getting ready for Aiden's party. Then the kids played outside again all afternoon. The kids just love being outside here! They have played with the water table for hours every day since we've been here. We MUST try to get something going in our backyard when we get home so that the kids can play outside more often.

Aiden's party went really well! It was a great gathering of people, and the kids had a blast playing in the bubble machine and with sidewalk chalk. Aubrie was walking nonstop all over the party, and Evan had a blast playing with Ansley and eating cake. Can't believe that Aiden is two years old already! He is talking up a storm and repeating anything that he hears. Such a sweetheart.

After the party, Chris and I went on a date to see the final Harry Potter movie. It was a great movie, and it is always nice to get some alone time with Chris. (Love you, honey!).

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