Sunday, July 24, 2011

SLC Day 11

On Friday morning, we all woke up early to head out to Heber, Utah, so that we could ride the Heber Creeper (a train). It was a 3 hour train ride that went from 11-2, but we had to leave around 9:30 to get there and buy tickets. While we were on the train, the kids were having a blast. After we had been on the train for about 20 minutes or so, the train stopped at an old train station. We all jumped out of our seats as we heard a shotgun go off right next to our window! We looked, and someone dressed as a train robber was getting onto our train! They did a great job of running through the train and asking passengers where the money box was, etc. The kids thought it was really neat. Evan kept saying, "But they are nice train robbers..."

After we got back to the original station at 2pm, we pulled out some lunch that we had brought in the car, and let the kids run around in a sprinkler that was setup there. When we got back home, and after kids napped, we all just played in the water table and backyard some more before bedtime. Another great day in Utah!

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