Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Potty Training

All of a sudden, Evan has really taken off on his potty training! It seems like we've been trying to get him to do it FOREVER, but it didn't really work, until today.

His personality has always been to just watch things that are going on, and what people are doing. Then one day he'll just start doing whatever it was he was watching. While learning to talk, he never jibber-jabbered, he simply started saying words. I guess I should've expected the same thing to happen with potty training!

Most of the time, he was just too busy to go to the potty. He'd start to play and just not want to take the time to leave his toys to go potty. But all day today, he was without a pull-up. He'd yell, "I need to go potty!" and then run off. We were even able to put him in underwear this afternoon, and he did great!

He only had one little mess when we were having a pillow fight in the living room. I'm sure it was because he was laughing so hard and consumed with fun that he didn't think about it. A little bit of pee fell on the floor, and he looked at me with big round eyes... then we said, "run to the potty!," and he did. Every time he went to the potty, he'd run out yelling, "I goed to the potty!"

It kind of blows my mind that we won't have to buy diapers for him anymore soon... I'll try not to be too sentimental, because it really does make me happy. But that also means he really won't be a little boy much longer... I'm already trying to resolve myself against being the mother of a boy. One day he'll get married and leave home (which is what I want), but I know that things will change one day. Every day brings me closer to that moment. I only hope that I can raise him to be a good human being who cares about people and loves the Lord with all his heart.

How did a post on potty training turn into a sappy post? I'll try to pull it together...

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