Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Salt Lake City, Summer 2011: Day 1

Yesterday was the first day of our family vacation to Salt Lake City, Utah! We were able to fly up this summer, and we are super excited to visit with Alia's family and sight-see together as a family. I'm going to try and blog at the end of each day so that I don't forget what we did.

Day 1:

We were lucky enough to have my sister drop us off at the airport, and we arrived about 9:30am so that we would have enough time before our flight left at 11:17am. Both kids were excited to see all of the airplanes taxiing around at the airport, Evan especially. He loved to just sit and watch the airplanes take off and land. Aubrie thought it was cool, but was more interested in walking around and being social with other passengers in the terminal. Then she started getting sleepy and saying "nigh nigh" while trying to crawl up in the stroller. I walked her around in the stroller to keep her happy, and it was perfect timing when they called us to board the plane.

The kids did really well on the plane. As soon as I could nurse Aubrie, she fell right to sleep. She only slept for about 40 minutes, though, because one of the overhead bins slammed shut and woke her up. But she really wasn't bad for the rest of the ride. She was kind of squirmy during parts of the trip, and I finally had to hand her over to Chris so that I wouldn't get sick. It was perfect timing (for me!) because she tinkled in her diaper and left a wet spot on Chris' shorts! Evan was great the entire trip. He kept asking, "Are we in the air, yet?," and the other passengers would laugh. Then he changed it to, "Are we at Bud & Joy's house, yet?" He also thought it would be fun for the plane to land on a mountain...

When we finally arrived at Bud & Joy's house, the kids went right outside and started playing. The weather is so beautiful here! We would have never sat outside for hours playing if we had been in Houston! 15 minutes, maybe. The pool was brought out, and the water from the tap was freezing! Aubrie wanted to jump right in, and kept making faces when she would fall in the water because it was so cold! But my little girl loves water so much, and she loved every minute of it. I finally took her inside for a little nap, and ended up falling asleep next to her. When she woke up, dinner was started. We ate delicious hamburgers that Bud made, along with some other side dishes, and some fries from Five Guys (which were amazing!). Just a funny story: when Karim drove up, he came in a red car. Evan got really excited and said, "McQueen is here!!" When he realized that there was a man inside, he said, "Where is that man?"

After the kids went to sleep around 8:30 (9:30 our time!), Chris, Nick, Alia, and I walked down to a sno-cone hut that stays open until 11pm! It was yummy, but I have to say not as good as Bahama Bucks (you can pay me later, Clarie).

When we came home, we all pretty much crashed with exhaustion. I was praying that the kids would sleep well, and they did really well for the most part. Evan ended up sleeping until 9:15am this morning!

Ready for day 2!

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