Sunday, July 24, 2011

SLC Day 9

Oh. My. Goodness. I haven't written down what we've done since last Tuesday! Yikes! I'm glad that we have all taken pictures so that I can see what we did and when, or I'd never remember everything. Isn't that sad?

On Wednesday, we woke up and headed over to the Aquarium. It was so much fun! It was such a neat little aquarium, with great ideas and exhibits for all of the animals. It was also helpful that the workers were positioned throughout the building to answer questions and explain things about all of the animals. I felt like I learned a lot on this trip. The building was also very family friendly, which was really nice for all of our kids.

After the Aquarium, we all went back and let the kids nap and play at the house. Then Bud & Joy were so sweet and offered to babysit all of the kiddos (Miles included, Alia's cousin's baby), while we went out to eat at the Red Iguana. It is a cute little mexican food place that has been featured on the Food Network. It was sooo packed when we got there; we were glad that we had a reservation! The food was so good. It was a different flair on mexican food, with really interesting combinations of flavors in their food. Nick ordered a jalapeno margarita, while Chris had a cucumber margarita. They were both super yummy! They are also famous for their mole (pronounced mol-ae), and had all different kinds to choose from. It was fun to go out on the town without the kids and have a really great meal.

It was such a fun day!

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