Sunday, July 24, 2011

SLC Day 10

Thursday morning, we woke up and decided to take the kids up to Snowbird (a ski resort) to ride the tram and see the mountain and snow up there. Of course, it took us forever to get ready, so it was lunch time by the time we had all the kids fed and everything together. So we went to eat lunch at one of Bud's cousins' restaraunts named Philly's. It was really yummy.

We saw Bud's cousin while we were there, and she took Alia and I to her Day Spa to get a henna tatoo on our legs. It was a lot of fun, and neat to see all of the different businesses that they own.

Then we all headed up to Snowbird. We all had a blast riding the tram up the mountain, even if it did make me feel sick when the tram would move over the rollers and sway... It was so beautiful once we got to the top! You could see over the entire valley, and the mountains in the distance were just amazing to see. It was also neat to take our kids back to the place that we visited the last time we were in Salt Lake, before we had kids. Now we have "before and after" pictures, since that was 6 years ago. Aubrie loved playing in the snow, as that was her first time to see it. Evan wasn't quite sure about it because he kept slipping, but he liked throwing snowballs at people.

After the tram, we decided to let the kids (Evan & Aiden) jump on the bungee trampoline, and they had so much fun! I wasn't sure if Evan would really do it once he got all hooked up, but he had so much fun! He looked like such a big boy! He kept hanging from the bungee and asking, "Why am I jumping?" After that was finished, and as we were headed back to the car, Alia saw a moose with her little baby! It was so neat to see!

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