Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SLC Day 7

Today we woke up with intentions of going to the aquarium, but by the time we were all ready to go, the kids were already starting to get tired. Plus, it was such a nice and overcast morning, that we decided to head over to a place called Gardner Village. It is somewhat like Old Town Spring, but supposedly had a nice little petting zoo for the kids. When we got there, however, we learned that the petting zoo had been shut down by PITA (or whatever organization it is called). So we just walked around instead.

First, we went to the bakery and bought the kiddos a cookie. They were yummy, and everyone got to pick their favorite kind of cookie, so it was super fun. Then we just walked around to a few different shops (the girls girls going into purse and quilt shops, while the boys decided to head in a non-girly direction). There were so really cute little shops, and we enjoyed the time together. There was a cute kiddie toy/book shop that we saw, and looked at some really cute things in it. There was a fun toy that looked like a bear that you put a tennis ball into it, and then shoot it out at something. Aubrie didn't like that at all! She started screaming because it scared her! So then the owner put a fun little ball with glowing lights, and it helped calm her down... So we bought one for each kid. :) We ended the trip by going to the little pond in the town to feed the 3 ducks. They were kind of boring ducks, as they would have rather eat algae than our bread, but the kids had fun.

Then we took Aiden and Aubrie back to the house to sleep, while the rest of us went to Crown Burger. Chris has been dreaming of this place since the last time we were here in 2005! They had the coolest drink dispenser that we've ever seen, and of course the burgers were just as good as we remembered. Aubrie woke up after only a bit, so we didn't hang out too long before going back to get her.

After that, we took the kids up for a family friendly hike to Doughnut Falls. It was so much fun! Aubrie looked so cute in the backpack that Karim let us borrow, and Evan did great by walking most of the way up the trail, and halfway back down. Once we got there, we couldn't go all the way up to the top, but the kids liked getting to touch the really cold water and look at the beautiful scenery. By the time we got back the kids were basically toast. So we fed them dinner, and then hit the sack by about 8:45. Such a fun day!

(again, pictures once I download them).

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