Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SLC Day 8

This morning, Alia invited her friend Chelsea and her son Caleb over for a play date with all of the kiddos. He and Aubrie are only 4 days apart, so they were cute together. Caleb was really shy, though, and played mostly to himself. Although, our kids seemed to have dynamite running through their veins this morning, as they were running all over the house as soon as they woke up. I think that all of our traveling is finally catching up to them...

We played outside a lot with the kids this morning, while the boys helped Bud unload more of his garage. Then for lunch (a late lunch around 2:30), we decided to go to the family restaurant, O'Falafel. It was so delicious! It is always fun trying new foods. I was proud of Evan, as well, because he tried a lot of the foods that were brought out, and loved them! Ansley was super cute, too, because we could really tell that she loved going to the restaurant. Chris got embarrassed because Aubrie pooped and some peepee got on his pants, but that seemed to be the only casualty to the afternoon.

We were thinking about going to the aquarium after naps, but then we ended up babysitting Carolyn (Alia's cousin) and Josh's son, Miles (5 months old). So we basically just played outside some more! What am I going to do when we get back to Houston, and my kids want to be outside every minute of the day??!! We're going to have to get some sort of shade going so that we can be outside for more than 5 minutes at a time. I know that Evan is going to have Ansley withdrawals when we get back to Texas, too. They have really seemed to bond since we've been here, and seem to be the best of friends. It will give us another reason to come back to Utah more often; to see Ansley.

(pics later).

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